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Mississippi Today Editor-at-Large Marshall Ramsey and State Director Alesha Judkins talk about Mississippi’s ongoing incarceration crisis for this episode of Mississippi Stories. is a nonprofit advocacy group founded by technology and business executives that work to support immigration and criminal justice reform. Currently, Mississippi has the highest imprisonment rate in the nation and fives time the national average for the length of stay in jail. Judkins discusses what contributes to these statistics and what can be done to reform or alleviate the issues in our state’s prison system.


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Marshall Ramsey, a nationally recognized editorial cartoonist, shares his cartoons and travels the state as Mississippi Today’s Editor-At-Large. He’s also host of a weekly statewide radio program and a television program on Mississippi Public Broadcasting and is the author of several books. Marshall is a graduate of the University of Tennessee and a 2019 recipient of the University of Tennessee Alumni Professional Achievement Award.