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On this episode of Mississippi Stories, Mississippi Today Editor-At-Large Marshall Ramsey visits with U.S.S. Alabama museum technician Matthew McCluney. McCluney, a Gautier resident, talks about his passion for preserving a giant piece of American and Naval history.

The U.S.S. Alabama, launched in 1942 during World War 2, is a veteran of both the Battle of the Atlantic and numerous combat actions against the Japanese in the Pacific. Mothballed after the war, the 45,000-ton U.S.S. Alabama was presented to the citizens of Alabama in 1965 and towed to Mobile’s U.S.S. Alabama Battleship Memorial Park. The park also is home to the Gato-Class submarine U.S.S. Drum, 45 historic aircraft and various artillery pieces.

McCluney has created numerous exhibits throughout the ship and along with his teammates helps keep the Alabama shipshape for the nearly 18 million visitors who have visited it throughout the years and for those who will visit it in the future.


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Marshall Ramsey, a nationally recognized editorial cartoonist, shares his cartoons and travels the state as Mississippi Today’s Editor-At-Large. He’s also host of a weekly statewide radio program and a television program on Mississippi Public Broadcasting and is the author of several books. Marshall is a graduate of the University of Tennessee and a 2019 recipient of the University of Tennessee Alumni Professional Achievement Award.