We asked our readers to choose their favorite of the five flag designs the Mississippi Flag Commission selected Aug. 18 from a narrowed pool of thousands of original entries.

After flying the top five designs over the Capitol Tuesday, the commission narrowed the choices to two.

We wanted to show you how your reader poll results measure up against the commission’s selections.

Of the 2,647 readers who participated in our poll, 39% selected Flag 2, which was not one of the two designs selected by the commission.

Flag 4, which includes a magnolia blossom on a blue background with red and gold stripes, received 25% of the votes from our readers. It was one of the two selected by the commission.

Flag 1, also one of the two selected, received 16.8% of our readers’ votes. The design includes a red-white-and-blue striped shield, which pulls inspiration from the state’s territorial seal of 1798.

Neither Flag 3, with 10.6% of our readers’ votes, nor Flag 5, with 8.7%, made it to the final round of designs.

Eric J. Shelton/Mississippi Today

Flag 3 Credit: Eric J. Shelton/Mississippi Today

Eric J. Shelton/Mississippi Today

Flag 5 Credit: Eric J. Shelton/Mississippi Today

On Sept. 2, the flag commission will pick one of the two designs, which will appear on the Nov. 3 ballot for voters to accept or reject a new Mississippi state flag.

Read our full Mississippi state flag coverage.

View the complete results from our reader poll:


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