Toppings news in Mississippi this week:

  • Governor Phil Bryant announced on his Facebook page Tuesday that the Legislature will be back for a Special Session on June 5th. Before adjourning the Regular Session earlier this Spring, lawmakers didn’t pass budgets for the Mississippi Department of Transportation and the Attorney General’s office.
  • According to State Auditor Stacey Pickering, the federal government is calling for a forensic audit for two of the Mississippi Department of Education’s programs. A forensic audit is a process to resolve allegations of fraud. The programs being audited are 21st Century Community Learning Center and Title I funds, both federal programs.
  • With three seats potentially open, there is a chance that Republicans in the Mississippi House could lose their supermajority. Two members are running for municipal posts next month and another Republican seat is currently open. Right now, Republicans own 74 of the 122 seats. It’s the first time since Reconstruction that House Republicans have this large a representation.

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